Monday, December 30, 2019
The power of words How to improve self-confidence
The power of words How to improve self-confidenceThe power of words How to improve self-confidenceTo love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance. s- Oscar WildeThe words we use have a profound impact on us.The way you talk to yourself is the way you love yourself - your self-talk can be kind or cruel.Language influences our view of the world - it shapes the relationships with people and things. Your words define how you see yourself.This is bedrngnis a motivational post - positive words alone wont make everything fine. You need mora than that. A growing body of research indicates that self-talk can improve your memory, confidence, focus and more. But you need the right strategy.Start by talking to yourself the same way youd like someone else to speak to you.The best part you can speak toAs soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. - Johann Wolfgang GoetheIts okay to struggle with self-confidence - it happens to everyone around you.We suffer when we stop ta king care of ourselves. So, why do we do it? Maybe because we (wrongly) confuse self-esteem with being selfish. Or perhaps we believe we are not worth it. Self-love is the foundation of self-confidence. You have to accept yourself - nurture compassionate inner-dialogue.Talking to oneself is one the most natural, yet undervalued, skills we have.Humans develop our inner-voice at the same time we learn how to speak. Both feed off each other. However, we dedicate much more time and effort to improve our conversations with other people than with ourselves.How do you usually talk to yourself?The quality of your inner speech is critical to understanding who you are.Professor Charle Fernyhough says This dialogue has some very special qualities that involve representing the point of view or the perspective of another person. Its very powerful You can take a perspective on what you are doing.Self-talk is the best feedback you can get - it gives you a fresh perspective.Having a conversation with yourself is like talking to someone else. You dont know everything youre going to say - your words can surprise you.Practicing self-talk has many benefits.Stimulates self-reflectionResearch by Canadian professor Alain Morin shows theres a high correlation between talking to oneself more frequently and a higher self-awareness and self-evaluation.Increases motivationA meta-analysis of 32 sport psychological studies that self-talk improves sports performance. Tennis players talk out loud to regain confidence after losing a point.Expresses EmotionsTalking to yourself helps to connect with your emotions. When you feel stressed out, naming your feelings can help you slow down. Its the first step towards understanding whats causes your anxiety.Helps you reflect on the pastRevisiting the past - without too much rehashing - is how we learn and become wiser. Talking to ourselves is a very effective way to reflect on the past.Prepares you for the futureMental preparation - not anticip ation - determines our chances of success. We can start familiarizing with a new activity. Or getting ready to deal with the unknown.Helps discriminate right from wrongInner-talk is very useful to analyze a decision or behavior - we can evaluate actions against our moral standards.Most importantly, self-talk can make us feel better about ourselves and instill confidence to get through tough challenges, as research by the University of Michigan demonstrated.By improving your inner-dialogue, you become the best person you can speak to. However, you have to choose the right words for this to work.Mind your wordsRaise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. - RumiThe power of words come from the beliefs we have in them - we believe and embody our words.Our brain is hard-wired to be negative.Neuroscience shows that the majority of our self-talk is negative - its working against us. These negative thoughts make us feel angry, irritated, frustrated, hop elessness.According to neuropsychologist Rick Hanson, the brain is like Velcro for negative experiences and Teflon for positive ones. This negativity bias causes the brain to overreact to bad words, compared to how it responds to good words. But we can overcome this bias by becoming more mindful of the words we choose.Our words affect our emotions, motivation and potential accomplishments.Based on my experience facilitating change leadership workshops, these are the most common (and damaging) negative words.I cant.Its the belief that you cannot do something, even before you tried. Its not just about low self-confidence. Sometimes, people get caught by a perfectionist mindset - they confuse not being an expert with not being capable of. The cants reflect lack of resilience - we need to learn to fail and try again and again.I have to.This approach turns regular activities into a burden. We approach everyday chores with the wrong mentality. When you cant do what you love, you have to learn to love what you do. The dont wants address a broken relationship with simple things in life.I should.This mindset addresses external pressure - other peoples expectations make us feel guilty and unhappy. Its the result of other people trying to impose their will over ours - our parents, teachers, friends, bosses, and so on. The shoulds represent what others want us to do.A strategy to develop gezcht conversationsHuman behavior flows from three main sources desire, emotion, and knowledge. - PlatoPositive self-talk has stress management, productivity, and health benefits that have been proven by research.Heres a five-step strategy towards kinder inner-conversations.1. AwarenessTo create change, you need to be aware that something needs to be modified. Pay attention to how you talk to yourself and the impact of your words.Some might feel harmless but, in the long run, those words can harm you. Your thoughts and emotions are interconnected - the way we think impacts how we f eel (Hannell, 2004).You can ask a friend to call you out every time you use negatives words to describe your life or yourself. Another approach is to reflect on the words you think when you feel down. Capture those on a notebook and review on a weekly basis. What trends do you observe? Whats the story?2. Positive AffirmationsAffirmations originated with French psychologist mile Cou, who advocated repeating this sentence throughout the day Every day, in every way, Im getting better and better.Affirmations are very polarizing - people either love or hate them. I believe that they work if we use them with a balanced approach. Buddhism has been using affirmation as part of the meditation and yoga practice for ages.Negative preprogramming (from when we were a child) replays in our minds. Positive affirmations have many benefits, such as improved reduced stress and improved health - what we repeatedly focus on, expands.Here are a couple of affirmations for you to practice with. As you c an see, there are meant to promote a positive view of life, not to convince you that everything is perfect.I know who I am and I am enough.Its okay to be broken. And its okay to let the broken parts mend.I choose to be present and mindful right now.I am in control of the way I respond to the behavior of others.Im grateful for the life I have.3. Replace wordsThe easiest way to erase certain words from your inner-dialogue is to replace them with others.Moving forward try replacingI cant by I will.I have to by I want to.I should by I choose to (this opens the door to say no to external expectations).Try this exercise with a friend or colleague. List all the things you have to do - one-at-a-time - and let the person reframe it by replacing have to by want to.For example, you say I have to do the laundry the other person replies You want to do the laundry. Keep doing this with every activity on your list. Listening to other peoples voice reframing your words is a powerful experience4. Pause, Reflect TalkAs you become more aware of the words you use, practice reflection.Pause for a couple of seconds. Evaluate your thoughts.Is that hurtful or helpful?Reflect on the words you were using. If they hurt you, go back and see how you can erase-and-replace those words.5. Increase positive self-talkBuilding a habit takes times - you want to turn the process into something natural. The same happens with self-talk. Youll see improvements early on. But, once it becomes intuitive, youll experience the transforming effect.As Glen Bassett stated, If you keep doing what you always have done, you will remain the same person who you always have been. Words are powerful but dont expect miracles. New habits form when new strategies are learned and applied. Change takes time and practice.You need to develop awareness before you can implement positive self-talk into your daily routines.The words you tell yourself can be compassionate or cruel. Treat yourself kindly.This article firs t appeared on Medium.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
An Interview With Hilary Farr of Love It or List It
An Interview With Hilary Farr of Love It or List ItAn Interview With Hilary Farr of Love It or List ItHilary Farr is an internationally renowned designer and one of the co-stars of the HGTV hit Love It or List It, along with real estate agent David Visentin. In this interview, Farr reveals whether the show is scripted and what her real-life relationship with Visentin is like. She also shares her design inspirations, how she satisfies clients, advice for aspiring designers, and even her secret to relaxing under stressful conditions. Love It or List It- Scripted or Real Life? On Love It or List It, the homeowners come to the show with a dilemma, usually brought on by the age and disrepair of their home or the expansion of the family and their needs. Do they love it and accept a remodel of the existing structure, designed by Farr, or do they take co-star Visentins advice and list it for sale? While Farr and her gruppe are designing and remodeling the house, which often includes majo r renovation work, Visentin is showing the homeowners how he could help them meet their desires by listing their current home and buying one on the market. The tension usually builds as the homeowners visit updated, well-appointed homes, then check back in on their own place, which is mid-renovation. When asked about it, Farr said the tension that comes across in the show is genuine. The show is not at all scripted, and the reactions of the homeowners to renovation realities and bad news is very real. However, she also noted that the audience sees a one-hour rendition of a three-week process. Her Relationship With Co-Star David Visentin As much as audiences are often captivated by the tension brought on by the shows premise, theyre also drawn in by the ongoing rivalry between co-hosts Farr and Visentin. Their back-and-forth snark is real, but they are still the best of friends in real life, according to Farr. Farr also recognizes the collective effort needed to produce the show and praised the entire team. Theyre incredible, she said. Without them, it wouldnt be possible. We are working on three homes at once, and its exhausting. Her Design Inspiration Farrs inclination to be a professional designer evolved over time and across continents. She was born in Toronto and has lived in Australia, England, across Byzantium and into Tehran, New York, Los Angeles, and finally, back in Toronto. Along the way, instigated by her mothers passion for species and decorating, Farr absorbed the rhythm of the places she called home. The colors, sounds, images- I can conjure them all, even though some of them were formed when I was only three years old. Farr noted that her travel and exploration have given her access not just to the artifacts of the countries in which they were created but the cultures from which they were born the emotions, perceptions, and mindfulness of the native artisans. Its curious, but you dont realize it at first. In a sort of osmosis, you absor b whats around you, what you experience, she said. At some point later on, when deciding upon a design strategy, unterstellung sensations come back to you, and you say, Ahh, thats it I know exactly what to do. She continued, The sights and smells, the variations of color and style are processed over time. The key to design is to let the ego recede and let the senses take over. Making Clients Happy Not every client has the opportunity to gain Farrs unique world perspective, and she keeps this in mind as she guides them through the creative process. I try always to steer clients away from trends, she said. The tried-and-true first step is to have the client look at every design magazine they can and pull out the pictures they love, without regard to particular elements. Invariably, they choose the same thing over and over. Some designers think clients dont know what they want, but Farr believes that they do, even if they dont realize it. My job is to give them what they need and w ant in the same aesthetic- to translate what they love into the reality of a great space, she noted. In a housing market with high property values like Torontos, homeowners can be tempted to let concern for resale value take precedence over aesthetic ideals. Farr tries to remind these clients that its not just about property value. A home is a safe haven, and the memories, art from the kids, all the trappings of life, fold into the texture of the home, she said, adding, Resale creates transience. To help clients break through their concern for the market, Farr said she selects a specific area of the home and makes it so perfect, to suit all their needs and reflect their personality. Advice for Aspiring Designers What advice does Farr offer to people considering a career in design? I dont mean to sound flippant, she said, but you must understand business, or you will work for free. She pointed out that her professional life is 80 percent business and 20 percent design. Farr also impressed the importance of self-control, particularly when dealing with clients. Its important to know how to process thoughts and to hold back emotions and reactions. Set your ego aside, she advised. Ive noticed young people who are having a difficult time in the business are either too timid or too assertive. Sometimes they are afflicted with a massive ego. Her Secret to Relaxing Farr must keep up with the furious pace of television production, as well as the rest of her life running an expanding business, being a mom to her son, and tending to three cats and a dog. When asked if she has a secret to handling such a busy lifestyle, she pointed to a simple solution Deep breathing. Im addicted to it. It relaxes me and allows me to shut down so that I can have restful sleep. Farr said that it can be difficult to manage the workload and stay in a forward-thinking mindset, noting that her public and private clients often have difficulty letting go and moving forward. People must le arn there is a difference between holding on to the past and using it to inform the present, she said.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Over 50 Make Sure Your Resume Says THIS
Over 50 Make Sure Your Resume Says THISOver 50 Make Sure Your Resume Says THISThe ageism struggle is real. Instead of valuing you for what you bring to the table at this point in your career trajectory, all too often, the recruiters and decision makers are doing some quick math, then using your age as a reason to delete your resume. Lets talk about what your resume needs to say, and how it needs to say it, so that you can stop missing out on those jobs you know youre perfect for, and start to get some calls back.Heres what cant happen you cant leave off your dates altogether. (I mean, you can, but its the fastest way to get your resume deleted.) Deleting the dates may work for education, but it definitely doesnt work for the entire trajectory of your employment. Dates are one of the 1st things the employers and recruiters are looking for in those 1st critical 6 seconds. The person is reading your resume to find out where you worked, when you worked there, and what you did that was ex cellent. Leaving out when you worked there is the very thing that will cause your reader to believe you are too old for his or her organization.What you need to do is present your story in a way that doesnt immediately draw attention to your dates. The approach to do that is to bury your dates so theyre notlage in bold along either the right or left margins of the page the 2 most eye-catching areas. Instead, present your employer, city, and state, all in bold. On the next line, present your job title, in bold, your dates inside parentheses and not bold, and your scope of responsibility, all on the same line.Heres another thing that cant happen you cant have a resume filled with old-school terminology. For example, a candidate who started his HR career 30 years ago may have at one time been the Director of Personnel. But to present that title on a resume today would completely date him, because today people talk in terms of talent acquisitionThe best practice in this case is to tail or your language by looking at the companys job posting. See what the company is looking for, and then use phrases and terminology in their ad to describe what youve done. This accomplishes the dual purpose of making sure your resume is properly keyworded.And the 3rd thing that cant happen you cant treat your resume like a dissertation. This is hard, I know, especially if you have a multi-page resume (more than 2 pages) that illustrates 30+ years of professional history, all of which you believe is relevant, going back to your earliest career days. However, you must cement this in your mindset people have neither the time nor the inclination to read dissertations. They just wont do it.Think about it when your resume is too long, people wont bother with it at all. Its an all or nothing thing, and on more occasions than you really would like, people are going to tend towards nothing That means including what you did in 1987 places you at serious risk of having the reader discard the e ntire document. Whats more important that they read ANY of your resume, and make a decision to call you back, or summarily decide to read NONE of your resumeWhats best to do for this situation is present the brand, story, and impact of a lengthy career trajectory, highlighted by RELEVANT successes only. Articulate how a handful of your skills will help that specific employer it need not be all your skills, particularly if they dont pertain to the position at hand.Another strategy that can help tremendously is to build an early career section towards the end of your resume. This is a concise way to present, for example, managerial history and early leadership roles. You can present your early career with or without years. While bulleted achievements are typically not appropriate for the end of the resume, you can certainly insert a few dollar or percentage figures in your early career paragraph.When youre over age 50, your job search approach needs to be one in which you use the res ume only as a tool its not the driver of your entire search. When your resume presents your information in a way that doesnt draw attention to your age, that may pique the decision makers interest. Your role at that point is to make a human connection. Initiate a invitation on LinkedIn, follow the decision maker on social media, comment on what he or she seems to be interested in, and followupFollowUpFOLLOWUP
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Mayors Role in Municipal Government
The Mayors Role in Municipal GovernmentThe Mayors Role in Municipal GovernmentA mayor is the elected leader of a municipal government. In the strong mayor form of government, the mayor is the chief executive officer of the city. In the council-manager form of government, the mayor is the leader of the city council but has no greater official authority than any other council member. A Mayor in the Strong Mayor System Within the strong mayor form of government, the mayor acts as a chief executive officer. Much like a US president at the federal level, the executive authority within the city government is vested in the mayor. This form of local government is most often used in larger cities where mayors need to be more connected to state and federal politicians and public administrators. The mayor is the public face of the city much like the president is the face of the United States. During natural and man-made disasters, the mayor is out front giving updates to those impacted by t he disaster as well as the to the national and international press. For example, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin welches constantly in the news in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Another incident of a mayor in front of the press during a disaster was New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. City staff members ultimately report to the mayor. As the chief administrator, the mayor has the power to hire and fire personnel. In some strong mayor cities, the city council has the power to confirm or reject mayoral appointments. A Mayor in the Council-Manager System A mayor in the council-manager system is the symbolic head of the city. In reality, the mayor is a first among equals on the city council. The mayor must use influence more than official power in order to drive the citys policy agenda. The city council under the mayors leadership is the legislative body for the city while the city manager is the executive. The city council h ires the manager to implement the laws and policies it adopts. The manager directs the staff in carrying out the citys day-to-day operations. The manager also serves as the councils top policy advisor. When the city manager needs to communicate critical information to the city council, the mayor is the first person the manager contacts. From there, the manager may contact the other council members, or the mayor may disseminate the information. It depends on the relationships between the mayor, manager, and council members. Examples of critical information may include an officer-involved shooting, a department heads resignation, rumors of an imminent lawsuit against the city, or a workplace safety accident. US Presidents Who Once Served as Mayor Grover Cleveland served as the mayor of Buffalo, New York, from 1881 to 1883. He was the 22nd and 24th president serving 1885-1889 and 1893-1897.Andrew Johnson served as the mayor of Greeneville, Tennessee, from 1830 to 1883. He was the 1 7th president serving 1865-1869.Calvin Coolidge served as the mayor of Northampton, Massachusetts, from 1910 to 1911. He was the 30th president serving 1923-1929. Celebrities Who Once Served as Mayor Before Sarah Palin was a vice presidential candidate and governor of Alaska, she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. She served as mayor between 1996 and 2002.Actor and film director Clint Eastwood served as mayor of Carmel-By-The-Sea, California between 1986 and 1988.Musician Sonny Bono served as the mayor of Palm Springs, California, between 1988 and 1992. He served in the US House of Representatives from 1995 to his death in 1998.Before hosting his low-brow television talk show, Jerry Springer was mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio. Springer served as mayor for a one-year term between 1977 and 1978. Springer served on the city council 1971-1974 and 1975-1978 with a resignation between the two stints.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
What to Do When the Hiring Process Takes Too Long
What to Do When the Hiring Process Takes Too LongWhat to Do When the Hiring Process Takes Too LongHiring remains very competitive today, and that means the recruiting process often drags on much longer than most companies anticipate. In my conversations with hiring managers, one lament I often hear is, Why does it take so long to hire someone these days? I need people nowI cant tell you how many times I have encountered employers who are shocked that a job has remain unfilled for weeks - and, very often, months - on end. They had visions of bringing in someone right away and hadnt planned to be without a core employee for so long. Their current team is being asked to work shorthanded and running the risk of burning out.When highly skilled and experienced candidates are scarce, job seekers can afford to be very choosy. As these professionals are actively looking for work, they may receive multiple offers - and its not unusual for companies to find that their top choice for a positi on has accepted a job with another firm.Meanwhile, passive job seekers - professionals who already have jobs but are open to other opportunities - need to be convinced of the benefits of changing companies. Even then, they may receive a counteroffer from their current employer and decide to stay put. So companies may go through the entire hiring process only to lose out on the candidate of their choice and have to abflug over again.Is there anything you can do to shorten the hiring process and access the talent you need now? Absolutely. Here are five tips1. Find your pain pointsTry to identify where things break down in your hiring process. For example, if youre not receiving resumes from qualified (or any) applicants, the job description probably needs to be reworked. Have you described the position accurately? Are the requirements reasonable? Are you highlighting aspects of your firms corporate culture that make it appealing?If youve been unable to close the deal with potential hires, you may need to improve the job offer by increasing the salary or providing a better benefits package. The point is to focus on just one aspect of the hiring process at a time so you can fix what isnt working - and avoid breaking what is.2. Expand your recruiting resourcesIf youre just posting your job ad to an online board, youre not doing enough. You need to cover more ground. Ask your employees for referrals and provide an incentive for them to encourage people they know to apply for a role with your firm. (Hint Cash bonuses always work well.)Increase your networking efforts, both online and in person. Let everyone know about your hiring needs. Touch kusine with your contacts frequently to keep the connections strong and remind them that you are still on the hunt.Also consider enlisting the help of a reputable recruiter. These professionals have deep networks of job seekers and are often able to identify skilled professionals who would otherwise be unaware of your job ope ning.HIRING NOW? WE CAN HELP3. Be flexibleYour expectations might be one reason your hiring process has dragged on. Every employer wants a worker with years of experience, an advanced degree and a long list of relevant industry certifications. But it could be that few candidates meet all these qualifications. Your ideal candidate may not even exist.In the job posting, list only those qualifications that are essential to succeed in the position. Otherwise you risk limiting your pool of applicants. And when evaluating candidates, focus on true job requirements versus nice-to-haves.Also remember that talented people are trainable - and are typically very eager to learn. So, keep the door open to promising professionals who may not have all the experience you seek but have the potential to ramp up and advance quickly.4. Dont hire just anyoneIts tempting to bring someone - anyone on board when workloads are piling up and your employees are unable to absorb even one more task. But desp eration can easily lead to bad (and costly) hiring decisions.Consider bringing on a temporary employee until you find the right person for the job. You might even find that the professional you engage in the interim is really the full-time hire youve been searching for all along.5. Be proactiveLastly, I urge you to start thinking about your future hiring needs now. You cant wait to start the hiring process until there is an immediate need to fill a position. Try to build and maintain a talent pipeline that consists of candidates who could be a good fit for positions that open up in the future. Continue to collect resumes and keep in touch with job seekers you liked but did not hire. Being proactive now can help you to shorten your hiring cycle next time around. Paul McDonald Paul McDonald is senior executive director at Robert Half. He writes and speaks frequently on hiring, workplace and career management topics. Over the course of more than 30 years in the recruiting field, McDonald has advised thousands of company leaders and job seekers on how to hire and get hired.McDonald joined Robert Half in 1984 as a recruiter for financial and accounting professionals in Boston, following a public accounting career with Price Waterhouse. In the 1990s, he became president of the Western United States overseeing all of the companys operations in the region. McDonald become senior executive director of Robert Half Management Resources in 2000, and assumed his current role in 2012. He earned a bachelors degree in business administration with a concentration in accounting from St. Bonaventure University in New York.
Friday, December 6, 2019
Medical Secretary Resume - the Conspiracy
Medical Secretary Resume - the Conspiracy Medical Secretary Resume for Dummies Secretary performs a large number of secretarial in addition to clerical duties within a department. A secretary is able to move up in the domain of secretaries as several schools have at least two secretaries to do the duties described. He may also have to serve other duties as needed or required in a particular position. Although medical secretaries have fixed working hours, they might also be requested to work for extra hours in the auffhrung of emergencies. Medical Secretary Resume A secretary has to carry out many roles all at the identical moment. From the world of business, law, medicine, administration, and many mora, he is highly recommended. In addition to the minutes, he may be responsible for keeping all of the official records of a company or organization. He resume is a place where you have to showcase your readiness to accept responsibilities in a very challenging role. So, being find-able is quite important. So, its essential for you to experience the advertised job description to learn the requirements for the medical secretary position that you would like to obtain, and arrange your academic achievements in an attractive manner utilizing bullet points. From the present world if youre very likely to apply for any work then first you need to compose a cover letter so, now well tell the ideal way youre prepared to compose the the fruchtwein productive employment cover letter to receive your own secretary absolutely free from practical experience. Youre going to want to take into consideration the kind of work you truly chance to be interested in being employed to execute. To avoid making a poor hire, employers research those who apply for their jobs. In addition, you can look for secretary jobs on Monster. As a very first step, look at a number of the next jobs, which are real jobs with real employers. In addition, you can look for medical receptionist jobs on Monster. What You Should Do to Find Out About Medical Secretary Resume Before Youre Left Behind To perform the mandatory tasks of a health receptionist, you ought to be highly skilled in computer software like word processing, spreadsheets and any other programs which are linked to medical practice. On the opposite hand much or what type of experience youve got, theres a work application format that will probably make the qualifications shine. Since you cannot format an official document from casual fashion, it should abide by a particular typical. As you may not format an official record from casual fashion, it must adhere to a specific regular. Youre certainly going to drop all your work. Even in case youve been working for many decades, you should attempt to continue to keep your resume to 2 pages if at all possible. Dont be afraid to borrow language from the job description therefore as to underline the simple truth you understand precisely what the job is about , and you alsove got the important abilities to be a valued worker. Knowing the fundamental steps of writing a good resume does not signify you have to write alone. The Importance of Medical Secretary Resume In a nutshell, the above are a few of the tips we find helpful in preparing a great MA resume. Medical administrative assistants may pursue expert certification for a demonstration of their abilities. Writing a continue for work in the artwork industry can be rough. Since you can see, my background in the health care field is just one of quite a few skills and experience. Work aspirants have to be conscious of a resume template rather than a courses vitae template. Skills of a secretary can fluctuate drastically. Be aware that if you create a secretary resume, you must have an emphasis on your communication abilities. Secretaries generally have more students at the center and higher school levels in public school too. The employers may have run into comparable resume habits in their experience, so its quite important to modify the resume template so that it seems not the exact same as the usual a single. Familiarity with medical terms is quite important, and proficiency with medical coding might also be required. Some could be more concerned with prior experience and techniques, whereas others might want formal qualifications. Dubai average income or typical salary in Dubai is a frequent Question for a new person who would like to move in Dubai. In most instances, some level of medical administrative training or experience is demanded. Then think about a few basic questions absolutely help clarify it would be appropriate for you. The course gives a chance to interact with and learn from very successful, highly competent and seasoned professionals. To become a health assistant, you must finish a training regime, but you dont require a license.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Sell the Version of Yourself That Gets What You Deserve 5 Tips
Sell the Version of Yourself That Gets What You Deserve 5 Tips Its hard not to get angry when youre passed over for a aufsteigen that goes to someone with less experience. Your head probably explodes a little bit every time someone interrupts you while youre making an important point during a staff meeting especially if that same person does it again and again, as if what she had to say were more important than what you were talking about. It might make you hopping mad when your babo takes credit for your great ideas or a coworker you thought you could trust goes behind your back to undermine youand get the project you told him you wanted.Getting mad wont get you want you want. Communicating better will.Selling the Best Version of Yourself at WorkIf youre not clear with your managers and colleagues about what you want, expect, and deserve, youre unlikely to get what you want, expect, and deserve. If you feel disrespected, marginalized, or invisible a t work, it could be because youre selling the wrong thing. It could be that youre sending a message that tells otherbeis its okay to muffle your voice, steal your thunder, or pass you over.Its time to sell something different. Its time to let your bosses and colleagues know you recognize your own value and expect them to recognize it as well.Imagine a camera crew is at your workplace to shoot a commercial about you. What would that commercial sell? Would it show you in meeting after meeting, allowing more boisterous colleagues to shut you down midsentence again and again? Would it show you silently fuming over the loss of a project, promotion, or assignment? Would it show you crying in the bathroom or punching the wall or feeling humiliated because jealous colleagueswere gossiping about you?Are you selling that version of yourself at work?The fact is, you teach people how to treat you.If youre taking this kind of abuse without speaking up for yourself, its probably going to continue .For more expert career advice, check out the latest issue of MagazineHeres how to change that commercial and start selling the version of yourself that gets what you want and deserve1. Speak UpAsk for what you want a promotion, raise, private office, shift change, respect, recognition, time to finish your sentence. If you dont ask, you wont get.Dont complain that the situation is unfair. Instead, convince your managers and colleagues that what you have to say is worth listening to, that you deserve an equal say, that you have earned the promotion or raise, or that undermining you wont work.Speak up in the moment. If someone interrupts you during a meeting, politely but firmly request that he wait his turn. If a promotion is on the table, make it clear that you want it and are qualified for it before the opportunity passes.2. Be ConsistentIf you let others shut you down even once, they might consider that an invitation to try it again. Take every opportunity in fac t, look for opportunities to reinforce to others that you have as much of a voice as they do and as much of a right to share your ideas and be considered for advancement.3. Study the Behavior of Those Who Oppose YouWhat are they getting out of it? Listen to what they say and when. Are they targeting you because they believe youre weak or because they have a need to dominate or draw attention to themselves? Are they undercutting you because they believe youre going to get the promotion instead of them? If you listen and sizepeople up, you might find a way to solve your problem without denying them what they need or want. The best solution is one that makes everyone happy.4. Keep Track of the Unpleasant IncidentsLook for patterns Does a colleague interrupt you only during meetings that a certain executive attends? Does the gossip always originate with a specific coworker who seems to fear you will outpace her?Collecting this data will help you make a planto counteract the potential d amage from the bad treatment youre experiencing. Making a plan will prepare you to react in the most effective and professional way the next time you encounter poor treatment. The more prepared you are, the less likely you will be to get flustered, back down, or fumble over your words.5. Keep the Conversation GoingProtecting your reputation and staking your claim on what you deserve is an ongoing process. Follow up with colleagues who have agreed to change the way they treat you so they will know you appreciate their efforts and expect permanent change.Once youve done all this, its time toimagine a new commercial. What are you selling now?Dr. Cindy McGovern, known as the First Lady of Sales, is the author of Every Job is a Sales Job How to Use the Art of Selling to Win at Work. For more information, and connect with her on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Manufacturing Relies More on Software
Manufacturing Relies More on Software Manufacturing Relies More on Software Manufacturing Relies More on SoftwareSpurred by an ever-growing need to bring products such as complex machinery to market faster and cheaper while maintaining quality, engineers are trying to incorporate software into conceptual design earlier, a step that is recreating traditional engineering roles. Adopting systems modeling software has the potential to identify and rectify performance issues before fabrication or installation. In Germany, one manufacturer of high-performance packaging equipment is beginning to see the results of an engineering reorganization that is changing how mechanical, electrical, and software engineers design products.There is a great need for industry to go in this direction, says Dr. Georg Pfeifer, managing director of Optima Nonwovens, a German firm that produces packaging and filling machines for pharmaceutical, nonwovens, consumer and life-science products. There is a need to g et used to software as a fundamental parte of the design of the machine.Two years ago, Pfeifer and his team began a reorganization they call Engineering 3.0, putting mechanical, electrical, and software engineers on equal footing in early design because they believe state-of-the-art mechanical engineering is too complex to do otherwise. Basically, Optima turned to mechatronics. It is a cultural change, he says, and points out that Optimas first small-scale effort produced software that was ready before machine assembly.Driving the reorganization was the realization that sequential operationsmechanical calculations followed by electrical engineering input with software development pushed to the end of the linewas not efficient enough. Pfeifer points to examples where the software was not developed until machines were nearly completed, and errors not discovered and fixed until they were installed at customers facilities. That led to delays in production.Typically, fruchtwein machines were powered by an electrical drive with mechanical shafts and other parts, notes Pfeifer. Calculations on machine movement were performed by mechanical engineers and electrical engineers typically did the wiring. As machine design has evolved, Software is always hidden in the computer, says Pfeifer. It is difficult for people to understand how to use it. In the future, software will be the driver of the system, along with some mechanics.One of the goals is to have the software ready before the machine is assembled. Optima wants to make the machines more robust from the first day of operations, so Pfeifer says it is essential to identify possible faults and problems early on. He also wants to decrease the time needed to design and manufacture the machines. Finally, the move to accelerate software development is the key to faster production and error-free operation.Pfeifer says the key is to develop simulation models that can be reused for design of its customers machines. If we do t his cleverly, we can reuse it in other machines, he says, pointing to Optimas customer base where about twenty companies comprise 80 percent of the market. Modularization of software allows us to reuse and not reinvent, and changes the way we work.Pfeifer claims Optima is in front of the adaptation curve in industry, and the claim has merit. Research conducted in the U.S. on system-level physical modeling and simulation for mining and off-highway equipment show those industries lagging. The work, conducted by Ora Research, Raleigh, NC, shows that adoption constraints include the stubbornness of legacy engineering culture along with human resources, organizational and corporate culture.Researchers interviewed field engineers, product development engineers, manufacturing engineers and other involved in product development and manufacturing. Among other items, they pointed to conservative corporate cultures unwilling to change standardized systems, a lack of availability of engineers w ith systems-modeling skills and the inability of senior-level engineers and executives to recognize the advantages of systems engineering. According the research, it found power users wedded to legacy systems modeling tools, weak integration at many/most points of the engineering digital toolset chain and the implementation of systems modeling software as a sales configuration/costing aid seen as taking too much time.Pfeifer says Optima began changing in small steps about two years ago, putting a team together to work on a small project. But its benefits became apparent swiftly, he says, and the company is committed to furthering changes even if there are some bumps. Even if an employee does not personally feel direct improvement, it could still affect the entire process. For example, mechanical engineers are now asked to define parameters such as slider lengths, sensor positions etc. very early in the process, he notes in a published interview. These are foundations to make aya tha t the software engineer can also start simultaneously. So that more mutual understanding develops here, we now communicate more often and more intensively.That communication includes the customer. Some require Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, which is part of Optimas Engineering 3.0. But specifications and changes must be made in writing to ensure both sides are aware of cost effects.Pfeifer says the time from when an order is placed to delivery and operation has already been cut fromtwelve months to four to five months because of the changes. We break the machines down into functional models, he notes. Simulation allows us to test machines before assembly, he says. We can do failure tests how does the machine react? All of these tests are much easier in simulation and software. And that is the reason to provide all of the design information at the beginning of the process.Going forward, Pfeifer expects the skills engineers need will change and tilt toward software development and the ability to write code. Electrical will become standardized, he says. More work will shift from mechanical to software.Software is always hidden in the computer. It is difficult for people to understand how to use it. In the future, software will be the driver of the system, along with some mechanics.Dr. Georg Pfeifer, Optima Nonwovens
Friday, November 22, 2019
Server Top Needed Skills
Server Top Needed SkillsServer Top Needed SkillsServer Top Needed SkillsWriting your resume with a target job in mind requires having a clear understanding of the jobs skills and proficiencies.A well-crafted resume skills section, highlighting your relevant skills for a server position, will help your resume beat the Applicant Tracking System (ATS), which is the first step to getting your application noticed. Use the server top skills and proficiencies below to help you effectively write your resume.Server top skills proficienciesKnowledge of Food Service RegulationsLiftingVerbal and Written CommunicationFlexibilityBasic MathCustomer ServiceResolve ConflictTeamworkPersistenceEnergy LevelSelling to Customers NeedsThoroughnessProfessionalismClient Relationships
Thursday, November 21, 2019
How to Find Jobs at the Olympics
How to Find Jobs at the OlympicsHow to Find Jobs at the OlympicsSummer Olympic Games are held every four years during leap years, which means in 2020, 2024 etc. The Winter Olympics also take place every four years and alternate with the Summer Olympics- 2022, 2026, etc. Countries that want to host the games submit bids to the International Olympics Committee (IOC.)IOC members choose winners seven years in advance, giving the host cities time to prepare for the event. With each Olympic Games comes a slew of job opportunities, as well as chances to volunteer. The upcoming Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan,in 2022 has a variety of employment and volunteer opportunities available. Job listings are beginning to be posted for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Paris 2024 Summer Olympics, and Los Angeles 2028 Summer Olympics. Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics The Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan will take place from July 24 to August 9. You can find details about the games on the officialToky o 2020website, also available inEnglishandFrench. Use Google Translator to translate the site into a multitude of other languages.Connect with Tokyo 2020 onFacebookand Tokyo2020on Twitter. Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Beijing, the capital of China, will host the Olympic Winter Games from February 4 through 20. Official information is available on theBeijing 2022website in Chinese, English, and French. Paris 2024 Summer Olympics The 2024 Summer Olympic Games will run fromJuly 26 to August 11 in Paris, France.Official information is available on theParis 2024website in English andFrench. Connect with Paris 2024 onFacebook and Paris2024on Twitter. Winter 2026 Olympics The host city for the Winter 2026 Olympics has not yet been announced. The IOC will make its selection in September 2019 at the IOC sessionin Milan, Italy. Los Angeles 2028 Summer Olympics Los Angeles, California, was announced as the host city of the 2028 Summer Olympics in September 2017. The IOCannounce d Los Angeles as the host city forSummer Olympics 2028 through the approval of an Extraordinary IOC Session. The Los Angeles 2028 Summer Olympics will be held from July 21 to August 6. Official information is available on theLA 2028website in English, Spanish, and French. Connect with LA 2028 onFacebook, atLA2028on Twitter, or onInstagram, or follow the officialYouTube channel. The International Olympic Committee Careers The International Olympic Committee, which is based in Lausanne, Switzerland, oversees all activities surrounding the Olympic Games. You can view current job openings with the IOC on the organizationswebsiteor onLinkedIn. National Olympic Committee Careers Each country has its own Olympic committee, known as National Olympic Committees (NOCs). The NOCs are overseen by the IOC. If you would like to work for the United States Olympic Committee, you can view current job listings on theirwebsite. Each countrys Olympic committee also has its own website where you can find job listings and volunteer opportunities. You can find your countrys website by checking the National Olympic Committees webpage. Jobs at the Olympics Jobs at the Olympics can be found from a variety of sources. Jobs begin to be posted more heavily approximately one to two years before the event. Popular job sites listing jobs at the Tokyo 2022 Summer Olympics include,, and Each Olympic website also includes information on job listings and volunteer opportunities.
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